First Time Manager

First time manager – Abc Team’s management – in company training

The open trainings intended for managers “First time manager” organized in Human Skills are specialized, focused on development of practical skills and deepening professional knowledge management courses carried out online or stationary. Our training courses intended for managers starting their career comprehensively prepare them for the role of leaders in modern managed organizations and equip them with key competences necessary to perform typical tasks in managerial positions.

Each open management training from our latest course catalog focuses on providing up-to-date and proven knowledge necessary for efficient team management in today’s business realities. Both stationary and online courses from our offer are constantly updated with new news in the field of management sciences and enriched with examples and case studies that best illustrate new trends and challenges currently faced by organizations, public institutions and private companies. The “First Time Manager” course is a pill of systematic knowledge, thanks to which every new leader will easily find himself in the maze of new responsibilities and will be able to effectively act in order to achieve the strategic goals adopted by the organization employing him.

For many years, our mission is to improve professional and  managerial skills with the help of relevant content– the “First time manager” training provides participants with the opportunity to deepen specialized knowledge and train the most useful skills under the supervision of highly qualified trainers with extensive experience in the field of management. Experts cooperating with Human Skills who develop and conduct training for managers are also recognized experts in their fields perfectly prepared for coaching work, who constantly adapt the content and forms of teaching to the training needs of specific groups of Participants.

We offer an open training dedicated to managerial competences “First time manager” in two variants – as a stationary course conducted in our Warsaw headquarters and a modern training in managerial competences organized online on the Zoom or Clickmeeting platform. We encourage you to sign up for the above course in one of the many convenient dates offered by our company.

First time manager – Abc Team’s management – in company training

First Time Manager

The open trainings intended for managers “First time manager” organized in Human Skills are specialized, focused on development of practical skills and deepening professional knowledge management courses carried out online or stationary. Our training courses intended for managers starting their career comprehensively prepare them for the role of leaders in modern managed organizations and equip them with key competences necessary to perform typical tasks in managerial positions.

Each open management training from our latest course catalog focuses on providing up-to-date and proven knowledge necessary for efficient team management in today’s business realities. Both stationary and online courses from our offer are constantly updated with new news in the field of management sciences and enriched with examples and case studies that best illustrate new trends and challenges currently faced by organizations, public institutions and private companies. The “First Time Manager” course is a pill of systematic knowledge, thanks to which every new leader will easily find himself in the maze of new responsibilities and will be able to effectively act in order to achieve the strategic goals adopted by the organization employing him.

For many years, our mission is to improve professional and  managerial skills with the help of relevant content– the “First time manager” training provides participants with the opportunity to deepen specialized knowledge and train the most useful skills under the supervision of highly qualified trainers with extensive experience in the field of management. Experts cooperating with Human Skills who develop and conduct training for managers are also recognized experts in their fields perfectly prepared for coaching work, who constantly adapt the content and forms of teaching to the training needs of specific groups of Participants.

We offer an open training dedicated to managerial competences “First time manager” in two variants – as a stationary course conducted in our Warsaw headquarters and a modern training in managerial competences organized online on the Zoom or Clickmeeting platform. We encourage you to sign up for the above course in one of the many convenient dates offered by our company.

Aims & benefits

Trainings for managers created by our experts taking the first steps in a managerial career thoroughly prepares a manager for the role of leader, strategist and team leader who can effectively separate tasks, motivate subordinates and create an atmosphere of cooperation in the team so the company can achieve success and development constantly. We recommend Online management courses and stationary training for managers “First time manager” to all those who want to become effective managers, who manages the team in a modern way and can mobilize employees to increased activity focused on the achievement of the established goals. The First Time Manager training offered by us is a must-have for beginning managers and all people applying for managerial positions. Participants interested in a managerial career can improve their managerial qualifications at Human Skills by choosing traditional stationary courses in our comfortably arranged training center located in Warsaw or convenient online management training. Both variants of the courses guarantee learning under the guidance of successful experts and enable comprehensive improvement of managerial skills. Remote training also allows you to learn from anywhere, and stationary training for managers allows you to learn in specially organized conditions – perfectly equipped and comfortable rooms.

The open training focused on managerial competences “First time manager” makes reference to the most up-to-date knowledge and is based on widely recognized concepts of human capital management. Remote and stationary course programs are full of examples taken from real-life and case studies, which allows to  teach what is actually useful and needed for work on managerial position in a modern managed organization.


Our management courses provide companies and institutions with the opportunity to develop expert and effective managers, who have the necessary skills required for human capital management positions, and allow course participants to acquire all the skills and competencies needed to perform leadership roles. Stationary and remote trainings for managers in our company are exceptionally practical courses of the highest standard confirmed by numerous awards and certificates. We ensure that their quality and substantive level are unrivalled in the market of professional training.

In addition, „First time manager training” allows participants to obtain a certificate confirming the completion of a specialized course in Human Skills, which will certainly be an additional advantage during an interview for any managerial position. We are also pleased to announce that online management training and stationary courses dedicated to managers debuting as leaders can be financed from The Development Services Database and National Training Fund.

The First time manager training equips paticipants with knowledge about:

  • Key aspects of the role of the boss.
  • Rules of proper preparation for the position of supervisor.
  • The rules for creating and presenting the manager’s.
  • The principles of transition from a co-worker role to a leader and boss role.
  • Rules for effective communication with the team.
  • The principles of management of the employee team.
  • The assignment and monitoring the progress of the tasks.

The presented course is oriented towards improving managerial skills – the training focuses on the basic rules applicable to managerial positions and allows the participants to better understand the duties and tasks characteristic of the role of a boss.

Open trainings for managers “First time manager” develop  professional skills when it comes to:

  • Acceptance of responsibility related to the work on the position of the boss.
  • Creation of an exposé manager.
  • Communication with the team considering the DISC model and the employee’s development stage.
  • Delegation of tasks and prioritizing them.
  • Dialog with employees and meetings with subordinates.
  • Effective response to symptoms of dysfunction appearing in the team.
  • Build a personal strategy of a team leader.
  • Conducting periodic reviews.

Open training dedicated to managerial competencies and key skills required of leaders focuses on training practical skills in communication, management and delegation of the tasks to the members of managed teams.

Stationary and remote training “First time manager” develops specialist competences related to:

  • Leadership.
  • Management of the team.
  • Creating and developing human resources.
  • Efficient use of resources.
  • Team collaboration.

The training dedicated to the development of managerial skills and specialized competencies required of team leaders allows  to comprehensively prepare for the implementation of the most important tasks of the boss, authority and leader.


Remote managerial trainings “First time manager” take place on one of the popular platforms intended for organizing online meetings – Zoom or Clickmeeting. Trainings for managers debuting as a boss does not require any complicated preparation before the course begins. Remote managerial training “First time manager” does not require installing any additional software or learning how to use complex and extensive applications. Participants enrolled in online managerial training are guided by our expert during classes and receive from us a full package of training materials supporting the improvement of managerial skills. First time manager online training is an intensive 2-day practical course, which is divided into smaller thematic segments. The program of the presented training for managers can be modified, if necessary, in such a way that it corresponds more precisely to the expectations and training needs of the participants. Each training dedicated to managerial competences begins with the diagnosis of the needs of the participants of the courses and setting specific goals of the workshops. Training dedicated to managerial skills is carried out according to the Kolb cycle and using a variety of modern teaching methods and techniques of proven effectiveness.


First time manager training – ABC team management

Remote managerial courses dedicated to the fundamentals of team management take place on easy-to-use platforms designed to organize online meetings. Trainings for managers conducted in such a way does not require the installation of any additional software. The offered managerial training allows you to prepare for the role of a manager in a convenient and economical way without the need to travel to the training center. The program, in accordance with which online managerial trainings are presented, is two-day training, divided into several thematic modules. The schedule includes lectures, presentations, case studies and discussions, but it is primarily focused on exercises and practical improvement of managerial skills.

The training begins with the analysis of the needs of the participants and defining the goals of the online workshop, which may affect the final shape of the described training program for the managerial staff – we try to adapt the content, forms and methods of teaching to the real needs of specific training groups.

The start of training. Introduction – verification of the individual needs of the participants who came to take part in the training dedicated to managerial competences, defining and discussing the objectives of the course, drawing up a contract.

Day 1.

Module I.  Leadership role – What does it mean to be promoted to a leadership position?

  • Personal “why” (why I want to be the boss) and Simon Sinek concept. Rules for building authenticity.
  • The role of the boss – prons and cons so what should you prepare for?

Building the authority of the leader and supervisor (good and bad practices).

  • My responsibility – professional and personal point of view, and the expectations of the employer.
  • My tasks – job profile, competency sheet, mandatory and complementary competencies, indicators, Star/PAR sheet.
  • Assertiveness of the leader with transactional analysis (leader matrix).

Module II. Team management –  with what to begin?

  • Exposé of the manager (purposefulness and tips for its implementation) with a set of tips for newcomers in the company and people who got promotion from the team. Leader Sheet.
  • The role of the boss and the roles of team members (communicating job goals to team members).
  • Tasks of team members (job profiles, obligatory and supplementary competences, competence sheet, indicator analysis, STAR/PAR sheet).

Situational leadership according to Ken Blanchard (management styles and employee’s development stage).

  • Basic principles of prioritizing own tasks and tasks supporting the team (Eisenhower and Covey Matrix).

A one-minute manager meets a monkey, or how not to take the work of your team.

  • The Kolb cycle in the practice when it comes to the role of a boss.
  • 5 dysfunctions of teamwork according to Patrick Lencioni.

Day 2.

Module III. Communication with a team.

  • DISC model in communication practice with a team (good practices).
  • One-minute manager’s principles (good practices and key elements requiring attention).
  • Providing feedback – feedback or feedforward (selection of methods adequate to the situation, leader’s sheet).
  • Motivational conversation (GROW, leader sheet).
  • Coaching interview (C5, leader’s sheet).
  • Delegate interview (leader’s sheet).
  • Talk about the problem (leader sheet).

Module IV. Personal strategy of the leader.

  • Weekly review.
  • Personal strategy of the IPD leader (what the boss must remember, what he or she must plan and verify).
  • Meetings with employees.
  • The effects of managerial omissions and the effects of preventive activity.

Course Summary. The training dedicated to managerial skills ends with a task in the form of STP (start/stop/continue). After the completion of the course “First time manager – ABC of team management” , participants of the workshops receive certificates confirming the completion of a professional course in Human Skills.


Participants can purchase additional services which supplement the course at an attractive price:

  • A mentoring session with a trainer aimed at creating an individual leader’s strategy.
  • Disc Study – Extended Disc or Insight Discovery.

Stationary managerial courses “First time manager” take place in our well-located and well-conmanagement, nected to the rest of capital training center. During the training for managers, all invited guests can freely use all the modern infrastructure available to them, and classes are conducted in perfectly arranged and comfortable rooms.

The stationary managerial training “First time manager” includes in its price refreshments served during a coffee break, as well as a two-course lunch in a nearby restaurant. Students enrolled in managerial training: ABC of team management receive from us a full package of high-quality training materials supporting the improvement of managerial skills. The full-time course “First time manager” is an intensive, two-day theoretical and practical workshop. The material of the presented training for the managerial staff has been divided into smaller thematic modules, and in their course there are lectures, discussion panels and various practical exercises. Each stationary training dedicated to managerial competences begins with verification of training needs of participants and defining specific goals of the workshops. The open training dedicated to managerial skills developed by us takes place in accordance with the Kolb cycle and using a variety of modern and proven teaching methods and techniques.


 „First time manager Training – ABC of Team’s management”

Full-time management trainings, which focus on team management fundamentals, take place in our headquarters in the center of Warsaw. Open trainings intended for managers conducted in our facility allow to acquire knowledge and train key competences in friendly and very comfortable conditions. The program, in accordance with which online managerial trainings are held and the stationary courses presented here for people debuting in managerial positions, we try to adapt each time to the actual training needs of specific groups of participants.

The standard schedule of the stationary course “First time manager” assumes learning in a two-day mode, divided into several thematic segments.

The course includes lectures, analyzes, presentations, case studies and discussion panels, but the course is focused mainly on exercises and practical improvement of managerial skills. The training begins with the diagnosis of the needs of the course participants and discussion of the workshop’s objectives, which ultimately determines the shape of the presented training program for the managerial staff – our trainers try to adjust the content, methods and forms of teaching to the needs, expectations and preferences of the participants.

Start of the course. Introduction – diagnosis of training needs of participants who take part in  training dedicated to managerial competences, discussion of the objectives of training along with drawing up a contract.


Module I.  Leadership role – What does it mean to be promoted to a leadership position?

  • Personal “why” (why I want to be the boss) and Simon Sinek concept. Rules for building authenticity.
  • The role of the boss – prons and cons so what should you prepare for?

Building the authority of the leader and supervisor (good and bad practices).

  • My responsibility – professional and personal point of view, and the expectations of the employer.
  • My tasks – job profile, competency sheet, mandatory and complementary competencies, indicators, Star/PAR sheet.
  • Assertiveness of the leader with transactional analysis (leader matrix).

Module II. Team management – with what to begin?

  • Exposé of the manager (purposefulness and tips for its implementation) with a set of tips for newcomers in the company and people who got promotion from the team. Leader Sheet.
  • The role of the boss and the roles of team members (communicating job goals to team members).
  • Tasks of team members (job profiles, obligatory and supplementary competences, competence sheet, indicator analysis, STAR/PAR sheet).

Situational leadership according to Ken Blanchard (management styles and employee’s development stage).

  • Basic principles of prioritizing own tasks and tasks supporting the team (Eisenhower and Covey Matrix).

A one-minute manager meets a monkey, or how not to take the work of your team.

  • The Kolb cycle in the practice when it comes to the role of a boss.
  • 5 dysfunctions of teamwork according to Patrick Lencioni.

Day 2.

Module III. Communication with a team.

  • DISC model in communication practice with a team (good practices).
  • One-minute manager’s principles (good practices and key elements requiring attention).
  • Providing feedback – feedback or feedforward (selection of methods adequate to the situation, leader’s sheet).
  • Motivational conversation (GROW, leader sheet).
  • Coaching interview (C5, leader’s sheet).
  • Delegate interview (leader’s sheet).
  • Talk about the problem (leader sheet).

Module IV. Personal strategy of the leader.

  • Weekly review.
  • Personal strategy of the IPD leader (what the boss must remember, what he or she must plan and verify).
  • Meetings with employees.
  • The effects of managerial omissions and the effects of preventive activity.

Course Summary. The training dedicated to managerial skills ends with a task in the form of STP (start/stop/continue). After the completion of the course “First time manager – ABC of team management” , participants of the workshops receive certificates confirming the completion of a professional course in Human Skills.


Participants of the stationary course “First time manager – ABC of team management” have the opportunity to purchase additional services supplementing the course on special terms. Participants can benefit from:

  • A mentoring session with a trainer, which aims to create an individual leader’s strategy.
  • Disc Research – Extended Disc or Insight Discovery.



Activity Based Learning

The training follows the Kolb cycle and the ABL method (Activity Based Learning).


Participants take part in activating exercises preceded by the necessary theoretical introduction.


Participants have the opportunity to self-diagnose and receive feedback from the trainer.

Full activation

The trainer presents knowledge using 3 channels of information transfer - sight, movement, hearing.


Discussion panel, group and individual exercises, presentation, role playing, case studies and review films.


„I participated in online training on team management strategy. I must admit that at the beginning I was worried that it would be difficult to benefit from these classes using the computer, but it turned out to be a great form of learning! I had a sense of freedom and acquired a lot of knowledge.  I recommend this training!”

“The training went very quickly. The trainer made the impression of a competent and experienced person. I feel like I will be able to apply a lot of the information in my work.”

“Congratulations to the trainer – incredible energy and enthusiasm to work. Thanks to you, I gained confidence in my skills I have motivation to spring into action! I warmly greet you.”

„Useful training content: delegating tasks and passing goals in clear manner; giving feedback; leadership styles; practical exercises; open discussion.”

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Organizational informations

How do we prepare our training projects?

Analysing your training needs

Verification of your training aims

Creating a training programme

Logical & administrative settings

Realization of the project

5 reasons you should pick our training:

1. Based on deeply analyse of your training needs, we will recommend you best trainer and programme offer.

2. Through the whole project, there’s gonna be an account manager to take care of your needs.

3. Participants will get all the necessary training materials in very attractive form.

4. We guarantee using variety of training methods through the whole project.

5. Your project will be closed with after training report containing evaluation and reccomendations for the future.

best quality guaranteed

We will adapt the programme to your needs!

Have questions?

Contact us:

18 Widok St, Apt 2,
00-023 Warsaw

(22) 224 21 95

603 906 655

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